You should probably re-read the spec: all the fields are optional.  You
can also provide a time, a uri and you have text and description fields
at your disposition if the other ones are too restrictive.

true you can provide a time and a uri, but neither are documented with any intent to BE a location. They are strictly ancillary data. I guess they could be kludged to represent the wrong thing in a closed private system but that doesnt sound like a good idea.

I understand that this was strictly designed with Earth locations in
mind though. :)

indeed - this is also a problem. the spec should take into account non Earth based locations, as well as virtual locations (in virtual online worlds, and websites etc), or custom concepts of location. Basically anything modern English useage allows us to say we are somewhere - see u on myspace/facebook/someBarInSecondLife etc.


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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 03:14:48 +0200
From: Florian Zeitz <>
Subject: Re: [Standards] Adding countrycode to XEP-0080: User Location
To:, XMPP Standards <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hash: SHA1

Jason wrote:
For my current useage this spec is too limiting to physical locations.
parts of related specs allow for location types that are not
representable by "country/gps etc", things like URLs, or TIME. (you can
be conceptually @ a web location, time, or some other unknown, perhaps
virtual representation of location), it would be nice if this spec were
flexible enough to accomodate such notions.

Can you possibly explain in more detail what your current usage is?
I personally think there is merrit in having this namespace/XEP
specifically bound to physical location. For websites your currently
browsing there is User Browsing and there is also XEP 0202 for getting
an entities time (although I don't know how that fits in the context of

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