Title: Signatur
In our work with PubSub Queue XEP-0254 we have found that a priority queue pattern would be a nice addition to the current proposal, it have however also been put forward that general priority, if only advisory would make a nice addition to the PubSub protocol as a whole.

My proposal is to add an optional attribute to <item> part of xmlns http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub with an integer value equal to the presence priority, from 0-127 where 0 is lowest and 127 is highest priority.

For normal (non-queue) pubsub this should be ignored by current implementations and could be implemented to do whatever is appropriate for the current service (it could prioritize notification events on slow links).

For Queues, if the queue is configured as a priority queue (see my proposals to pubsub queuing) the behavior is to put the item in the queue and event it based on priority when workers are ready to handle it. If the queue is not a priority queue, it is ignored, if a queue is a priority queue and no priority is set, the queues default priority (based on configuration of node) should be used for this item.. Probably default to 0

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Mads Randstoft

Wireless Factory 

mads randstoft
java developer

wireless factory aps
galionsvej 52
dk-1437 københavn k

mobile: +45 31 31 96 07
office: +45 70 20 12 92
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