On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:54 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

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On 9/8/09 4:46 PM, Kurt Zeilenga wrote:

On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

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On 9/8/09 3:46 PM, Kurt Zeilenga wrote:

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

The recent discussion about namespaced attributes on the x...@ietf.org
list set me to thinking about the separation of routing information and
payload data.

Below you use <header/> in your examples, which per XEP-0131 is for
"non-addressing information about the stanza", which seems to be
data to me.

Sort of. :)

Could you revise your suggestion to discussing moving say <addresses/> [XEP-0033] information, which is more obviously routing information,
into attributes of the stanza?

One can do that in one's own mind.

Well, in my mind, I don't see how to, in a straight-forward way, map the
examples in section 3 and 4 of XEP 33 into attributes of the  stanza.
One would likely end up with an attribute of:

Which doesn't seem terribly desirable, so I wonder if you had something
else in mind.

XEP-0033 is not necessarily terribly desirable. :) Does it truly solve
the problem? Those who have implemented it tell me "not really"...

Likely so. However, I was just using it as an example of "routing information" in discussing your proposal.

I don't mind adding additional routing attributes to the stanza given a clear need (which I don't see), but I think it unwise to include additional meta-information attributes, such as information contained in <headers/>, in the stanza.

I think attributes of the stanza should be quite limited. So without a well justified need to add an additional attribute, I rather stick with the current additional routing approach (ala XEP 33) and meta- information approach (ala XEP 131) of additional child elements.

Inspection of child elements to find such information doesn't concern me at all.

-- Kurt

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