On Fri Sep 11 18:27:10 2009, Jack Moffitt wrote:
Anonymous users MAY establish relationships with services and users if
allowed by sever policy such as presence subscriptions, multi-user
chat rooms, and pubsub subscriptions.  If a server permits these
relationships, it MUST cancel such relationships when the user's
session ends.

That's what I took it to mean by "long term relationships". A pubsub subscription that only lasts a session is, IMHO, comfortably within the one-night-stand length. Still, I'd go for SHOULD NOT, I can conceive of cases whereby this rule may need breaking, at least locally.

It is not recommended that SASL ANONYMOUS users add human contacts to
their rosters, as this may create odd user experiences.

This makes sense, too. I'd go for NOT RECOMMENDED, though. (== SHOULD NOT).

2) The next line states that users SHOULD NOT store things on the
server, and that if so the server MUST delete them.  This is also
overly restrictive. I can see several use cases where one would want
to temporarily store something on the server and retrieve it in
another session, similar to an HTTP cookie. I think that it should be
the server operators perogative to allow or disallow storage and to
determine when that storage is undone.

Perhaps changing the MUST to MAY is enough.

Or SHOULD, with a note that there are cases where service operators may need to rely on storage of data by anonymous clients.

SHOULD means "Do this unless you know better". I do worry that although *you* certainly do know when to break these rules, a server implementor might think "Oh, hey, I don't have to do that then." The note implies that a configuration option might be useful to control this.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
 - acap://acap.dave.cridland.net/byowner/user/dwd/bookmarks/
 - http://dave.cridland.net/
Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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