On Tue Sep 29 21:34:38 2009, Marko A. Rodriguez wrote:
I have been interested in removing manage_bindings as of lately cause its too complicated to implement due to the requirement for threading a virtual machine. That is, a submit_job can be executing while, in parallel/concurrently, you can be managing the virtual machine's bindings. Implementation-wise, this asks alot of the developer of a virtual machine --- well, let me put it this way, it is the most complicated command to implement. So I dunno---Josh likes it though :).

This occured to me, too.

I wondered whether a better option might be to supply (within the VM) a standard library including a message-passing interface, so that you could simply send running jobs a query, and they'd get back to you (when convenient) with the responses.

On the one hand, that allows you to build simple "What's the value of this variable?" things quite easily, but it also allows you to build arbitrary message processing things.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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