Hi all,
I've returned to this because my usecase seems to warrant some ownership by the server.

in my setup I have an xmpp component acting as my server application.
each server maintains data for the users on that server.
but 'users' never log in directly to these servers, but always via some 3rd party application which connects as a simple xmpp client and makes oauth requests on behalf of users. so user->http etc->3rdpartyapp->xmpp client->somexmppserver->needs to route the message to the appropriate server based on the oauth user.

since the users all have real xmpp addresses, it seems it could be a reasonable to have the xmpp server itself accept the oauth request (instead of my server component) and vet it against data that could be stored in users private storage (or a new xep just for auth keys & permission option storage and matching). If this were in place then any individual (or app with suitable oauth permission) could save tokens & permission data to a users private storage. Then an app with granted authority could send an oauth message, which would be vetted and forwarded to the users own xmpp server for processing (or sending again if its a message to elsewhere I guess). The forwarded message should have a new xml fragment included to indicate the original sender, and the various tokens that were included.

of course this is all doable with custom components for everything, but why not allow developers to actually use all of the existing xmpp infrastructure and any custom apps, via oauth without having to reinvent everything.

One last thing. the existing oauth spec doesnt support the idea that a message may need to carry nested authorities (or messages with authorities). If I have a proxy setup something like user->serverapp1->mule ESB->serverapp2 where muleESB is acting as a proxy for messages from app1 to app2, but it has its own xmpp identity> Then to avoid mule needing to check authorities itself, 'app1 oauth user' needs to be wrapped by mule and a new auth added for 'mule oauth app1'. I dont know how this should best be done. If the existing oauth xml spec allowed for arbitrary stanza subelements then a sensible nesting of messages could be sent and processed without the need to change architectures or create other custom message formats & workarounds.


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