I'm going to respond to this here, because I think it's got some impact to the wider XMPP standards community. (Although I would encourage you to join the XSF formally if you haven't).

On Thu Jan 14 04:16:05 2010, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
* Changed the period for Council objections to submitted proposals
from 7 days to 14 days.

I'm okay with this. I'd suggest that a possible improvement would be to allow the Council Chairman to extend the period to 14 days from 7 for a particular proposal at his or her discretion.

My reasoning is that an active Council should be able to process a proposal within a week, but the Chairman might know that a particular member (or the author) is away on holiday, for instance, or members might request an extension because a proposal is particularly complex.

* Changed the period for automatic deferral of an Experimental XEP
from 6 months to 12 months.

I'm okay with this. I would prefer Council to be able to maintain a XEP in Experimental despite inactivity, and I'd expect people to be able to request this.

    * Changed the holding period for advancement from Draft to Final
from 60 days to 6 months.

I'm fine with this.

    * Clarified that the Editor is the canonical target for all
submissions, not necessarily all questions related to the XSF's
standards process.

We should have a body who is the arbiter of XEP-0001, though. This could be the Board.

    * Clarified that only changes in Draft and Final XEPs that could
reasonably be construed as material must be reviewed and voted on by the XMPP Council, thus exempting correction of typographical errors, minor
clarifications, and other such errata.

With the proviso I mentioned last night, that is, Council may (and may be requested to) demand the reversal of the modifications. This in turn suggests Council should be notified, but that's trivial to do given that the commit mailing list does just that.

* Clarified that Council review is mandatory (not just recommended)
regarding IANA registrations initiated by the XMPP Registrar.

This seems fine to me.

    * Updated some references and added some links.

Also fine.

Thanks for doing this, Peter.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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