On 1/24/10 9:52 AM, Tuomas Koski wrote:
> Good Sunday Sirs,
> 2010/1/22 Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im>:
>> About 18 months ago we had a flurry of discussion about microblogging
>> over XMPP but that conversation fizzled out. In the last few days, we've
>> had some renewed interest in the old microblogging proposal over on the
>> WS-XMPP list:
>> http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/ws-xmpp/2010-January/000206.html
>> I'd like to bring this topic back in front of the Council and try to get
>> the original proposal published as a XEP so we can foster more discussion:
>> http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/microblogging.html
>> If anyone has input here, please do weigh in.
> In the Buddycloud project we are doing things very close to this.  The
> next version we are releasing in near future will be fully PubSub
> based. The biggest difference we have is that the "microblogging" is
> not on PEP nodes, but on "normal" nodes on specific component based on
> XEP-0060. This is done so that any JID can be used (@gtalk.com,
> @jabber.org, etc) to use the service.

Sure. It's not necessarily tied to PEP, only to PubSub. We'll fix the
proposal to make that clear.

> It would be my pleasure to explain more what we have done. It has been
> my plan to write a longer mail about the system as soon as the system
> is out. I'll be also at FOSDEM and participating the "XMPP Summit 8"
> to spread information what we have found and learned.

Looking forward to your talk!


Peter Saint-Andre

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