On Tue Jun 29 21:12:46 2010, Paul Aurich wrote:
A few comments about hash algorithms (basing off my reading the Jingle FT spec [0] just now and a discussion the Pidgin devs had a few months ago, which I don't think was brought up in the XMPP community, though I
might have missed it).

1) Are there canonical text representations of hash algorithm names some place? i.e. other than it being the one described in the Bits of Binary
[1] spec, how do I know that I should use 'sha1' instead of 'sha-1'?

Even worse, I just checked Entity Capabilities [2] and it uses "sha-1"
as the name of the algorithm!!! :(

There's an IANA registry, which we've generally used in recent protocols:


Slightly awkwardly, this relates to X.509 defined hashes, so would be tricky to update, but an IETF standards action could probably change that if needs be. (And would have support, I think).

5) Should the XSF adopt hash-function recommendations and standards for all future specs? I'm thinking standardized names (*cough* #1 *cough*)
as well as MTI recommendations (perhaps choosing SHA-256, as NIST
recommends [3]).

There's several uses for hash algorithms - some use-cases demand that a preimage attack be impossible, some don't, for example. The safest option for us is to pick a single algorithm - this also has the advantage of simplifying implementation requirements.

I've said before in IETF-land that a single spec of "this is the sane MTI security algorithm" would be useful. Perhaps the XSF could show them how it's done.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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