On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Justin Karneges
<justin-keyword-jabber.093...@affinix.com> wrote:
> In trying to reduce the number of network round trips in our plain (non-XMPP)
> BOSH implementation, I wonder about putting data in the session creation
> request and response <body> exchanges.  In XEP-0124, there is no mention about
> whether the body must be empty in either case, but all examples show it empty.
> However, XEP-0206 has an example of the server replying with <stream:features>
> in the response, so at least that much seems to be allowed, right?  I want to
> know if putting data in the initial client request is allowed too.

It's not disallowed, which I take to mean it's allowed.

> XEP-0124 could probably use some clarification on this, particularly if it is
> allowed.


> One caveat of an initial data exchange is that the client doesn't know the sid
> yet, and therefore it cannot retransmit requests in the event of failure.
> This means you'd only want to include initial data if loss or dups are
> acceptable (such as the case with stream:features in XEP-0206).
> Thanks,
> -Justin

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