On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Florian Zeitz <florian.ze...@gmx.de> wrote:
> I disagree. The text does not explicitly talk about the JID. Removing
> 'example.com' is equivalent to removing "his or her own ownership" for
> 'm...@example.com'. However, regardless of the current text: Do you agree
> it makes sense for 'm...@example.com' not to be able to remove
> 'example.com' if that is the only JID in the owners list?

I agree with that.

>> As I said before, I'm not against the change (I can certainly see how
>> it can be useful). I'd just like implementation behavior in all such
>> cases to be explicitly specified, and text which depends on current
>> behavior to be updated. My current preference for the ban list is to
>> keep bare JIDs only though.
> I'm still not convinced the current behavior of ban/outcast lists is
> "bare JIDs only". Even in your implementation it can also contain domain
> parts. While personally I can't see a use-case either, I don't think
> matching by full JID is harmful. Also do you think other lists should be
> able to contain full JIDs?

>From the same section you copied the rules from:

  "Note: The ban list is always based on a user's bare JID."
  - http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#modifyban

Also, 'outcast' is an affiliation, and

  "Affiliations are granted, revoked, and maintained based on the
user's bare JID."
  - http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#affil

Waqas Hussain

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