On 01/12/2010 16:40, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
On 12/1/10 9:39 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
On Wed Dec  1 16:33:30 2010, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
Will someone volunteer to take over maintainership of XEP-0270? I simply
don't have the cycles to do it justice.
XEP-0270 is compliance suites - don't we want to shelve that one and
make a 2011 one?

(Something I'd be fine with handling the XEP side of, but couldn't hope
to pretend to be impartial about).
Sorry, I meant the microblogging spec:




Perhaps enlarge this extensions to all forms of Pubsub content implying answering, forwarding, etc., no?

Thomas Baquet (aka Lord Blackfox)

Jabber ID: ldblack...@papaya.im
Website: http://www.lordblackfox.net/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/LordBlackFox

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