18/12/10, Matthew:
> There are no implicit restrictions, if no text states that the child
> element must be <query/> then it need not be. In the early days a lot
> of specs used <query/> by convention, but there is no need for it and
> it was abandoned in later extensions as you can see.

Thanks for the clarification about the tag name.

> "
>        An IQ stanza of type "get" or "set" MUST contain one and only
> one child element that specifies the semantics of the particular
>        request or response.
> " -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3920#section-9.2.3
> Just making sure - have you read 3920?

I have, although I don't know it by heart. When I looked again for the
number of expected children, I couldn't find it. Sorry for the noise
about that part.


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