Am 20.04.2011 17:35, schrieb XMPP Extensions Editor:
The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.

Title: JSON Content Type support

Abstract: This specification defines JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) use in 
XMPP service.


The XMPP Council will decide at its next meeting whether to accept this 
proposal as an official XEP.

Initial reaction (okay, not intial. The one after I got over the "Someone tried a XML2JSON mapping" shock):

As far as I can tell if you have something like:
 <tag2 attr="a">a</tag2>
 <tag2 attr="b">b</tag2>
you can not tell which attribute value belongs to which text value once converted to JSON. Please tell me I'm wrong :)

Florian Zeitz

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