On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 11:21:22AM -0600, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> It was published without Jeremie's approval as a co-author, too. :P

As far as I could tell, the Extensions Editor has been

1. editing XEPs and adding himself to the list of authors accordingly,
   at times without asking permission by the original authors.
   May not be the case with the XEP currently in question.

2. publishing substantial (not necessarily in size but in semantics)
   changes to XEPs without consulting the original authors or seeking
   permission from them.

3. publishing changes that make the XEP dysfunctional and, since there is
   no independent Extensions Editor but himself, advanced these changes
   for examination by the XSF Council.

4. ignoring requests by the original author to make changes (fix errors)
   to the XEP.

I may be wrong, this is just the impression I got from the distance
since I don't have all that much time to devote to XMPP.

I also am not sure if there is anything wrong with these 4 behaviors,
so let us look up the XSF documentation on the Editor's job:

Neither in http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0001.html nor in
http://xmpp.org/about-xmpp/xsf/xsf-people/#extensions do I see a
description of the job of the Extensions Editor sufficiently specific
to make it clear if the behaviors described above are either legitimate
or inappropriate according to XSF regulations.

One passage of "Appendix C: Legal Notices" might at best be applicable,
but I don't know exactly how:

    "Unless separate permission is granted, modified works that are 
redistributed shall not contain misleading information regarding the authors, 
title, number, or publisher of the Specification, and shall not claim 
endorsement of the modified works by the authors, any organization or project 
to which the authors belong, or the XMPP Standards Foundation."

So I would kindly like to ask if the 4 behaviors described above are
expected legitimate behavior of the XSF Extensions Editor according
to the regulations of the XSF.

If this is the case, I would recommend Philipp to apologize to Peter
for the snarkiness.

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