On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 5:49 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im> wrote:
> On 8/26/11 4:32 PM, Waqas Hussain wrote:
>> The proposed changes don't solve the problem. See what I wrote in the
>> "Attempting to fix the algorithm" section of the email you linked.
>> Particularly "As far as I can see, there is no way of fixing attacks 2
>> and 3 other than fundamentally changing the algorithm."
> As we've seen, Attacks #3 and #4 violate both XEP-0030 and the XML spec.

The problem here seems to be people focusing on the exact bytes of the
example I happened to type out for these attacks, and not the general
logic of the attacks themselves. Those exact examples can be easily
fixed. But there's a general issue here which can't be fixed that
easily. The general attack acts on all namespaces of the form a/b/d/*.

Note, the XML spec isn't violated. It doesn't *require* validation of
the xml:lang attribute:
  > A simple declaration for xml:lang might take the form
  > xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
 - http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/#sec-lang-tag

XEP-0030 was only violated because that example (and admittedly most
other examples of namespaces currently in use) had '//' in them. The
general pattern of a/b/d/* stays under attack no matter what you do or
forbid for all namespaces which have at least three slashes and
something between those slashes.

Now, are we just going to say 'no-one should or will ever use
namespaces with three or more slashes with something between them'?

>> What you are proposing had already been proposed in those threads by
>> others, but wasn't sufficient.
>> It's rather awkward to forbid '<', or any other valid character in
>> identity names or disco extensions (which can be user input).
> What's to be forbidden is the four characters '&', 'l', 't', ';' -- or,
> more specifically, coverting those literal characters into '<' (since
> the latter character has a special meaning in XEP-0115). That string of
> characters would not need to be forbidden in XEP-0030, only treated
> carefully when taking disco#info strings as input to the XEP-0115 hash
> calculation.
> If implementations perform that one check, then Attack #1 is null.

So, forbid < in what could be a user-specified string (name)? Ugly...

> As to Attack #2, that can be solved by saying that a data form of type
> "result" MUST include at least one <field/> element. That is, changing
> XEP-0004 from:
>   A data form of type "form", "submit", or "result" SHOULD contain at
>   least one <field/> element
> to:
>   A data form of type "form", "submit", or "result" MUST contain at
>   least one <field/> element
> Which seems sensible anyway.

Err.. you are fixing the exact example again, not the general attack..

  <identity category='client' type='pc' name='SomeClient'/>
  <feature var='feature1'/>
  <feature var='feature2'/>
  <feature var='feature3'/>

remains equivalent to:

  <identity category='client' type='pc' name='SomeClient'/>
  <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='result'>
    <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'>
    <field var='feature2' type='hidden'>

Now, the important part of my email:

While fixing the exact examples I typed out is nice, the real problem
which needs solving is this: structural information is lost in the
current algorithm. The disco stanza itself is logically separated into
sections: identities, features, disco extensions. Disco extensions are
further separated into forms and forms are made up of fields and
fields are made up of values. The algorithm discards all this
structure. It's lossy. This is the actual issue. You can patch over
the simpler individual examples easily, but the algorithm is broken
fundamentally and you will not be able to fix that.

>> I'm
>> still in favor of a clean new algorithm and XEP,
> I'd prefer to salvage XEP-0115 if we possibly can, rather than defining
> a completely new algorithm and spec.

The second important part of the email:

I completely understand why everyone wants to salvage XEP-0115. But we
have a *security* issue here. Implementations which are insecure at
the moment must stop working in the future. Trying to let them
continue to work would be fine if this weren't a security issue, but
is irresponsible when it is a security issue.

We'll just tighten restrictions in the document and assume all is
fine. All would not be fine as most implementors will remain
blissfully unaware of it. New implementators will put in the minimum
amount of effort necessary to make PEP work, and that will not include
detailed validation. I'm willing to bet most client authors are
unaware of there being a security issue at all. Other than checking
the source code, no-one would really be able to trust any
implementations to be secure in this respect, because the algorithm
would be broken by default, with patchwork laid on top to make it not

SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and so on. If you looked at the specs,
you'll see that these are essentially the same protocols, with some
differences. They could have been patched up quite easily by adding
some stuff to the spec and staying compatible. They weren't. Newer
versions were made incompatible with older versions.

>> which can also fix
>> many of the non-algorithmic issues with the XEP.
> What are the non-algorithmic issues?

Things like hash agility were a goal of the spec. They don't work.
There was discussion of this in some of the old threads.

> Peter

Waqas Hussain

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