In XEP-0309, I have a vCard slot for a registration URI:

    <registration xmlns='urn:xmpp:vcard:registration'>

(Yes, it should be "uri", not "url".)

In essence I (as someone running a server directory) would like a way to
capture the server's registration policy in the "contact" vCard. This
helps those who use the directory information (e.g., clients) to do
things like show a drop-down menu of servers that allow an end user to
register in-band (note that support for jabber:iq:register does not
necessarily imply that the server allows in-band registration, since the
server might allow password changes but not registration).

Here's one possible way to do it:

1. If in-band registration is supported, include the XMPP URI of the
server itself:

    <registration xmlns='urn:xmpp:vcard:registration'>

2. If out-of-band registration is supported, include the appropriate URI
(typically HTTPS):

    <registration xmlns='urn:xmpp:vcard:registration'>

3. If no registration is supported (e.g., enterprise deployment), don't
include the <registration/> element.

There might be more elegant ways to do it, but this one seems acceptable
to me. Feedback is welcome. :)


Peter Saint-Andre

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