Begin forwarded message:

> From: Matthew Miller <>
> Date: February 8, 2012 10:27:26 MST
> To: XMPP Council <>
> Subject: Minutes 2012-02-08T16:00:00Z
> [room log: <>]
> ---- START ----
> 1) Roll Call
> ============
> Tobias Markmann (TM), Ralph Meijer (RM), Matthew Miller (M), Matthew Wild 
> (MW) present; Kevin Smith (KS) late
> 1) XEP-237 <>
> Move to Obsolete? [replaced by RFC 6121]
> ----------------------------------------
> All present voted +1.
> 3) Any other business
> =====================
> 3.1) FOSDEM Report (RM)
> -----------------------
> [KS arrives here]
> Overall was a good event.  The devroom was packed, and the real-time lounge 
> was awesome. Peter Saint-Andre posted notes for Summit 11 
> <>.
> Suggested improvements for next year are:
> * have one main-track speaker instead of a bigger room
> * move the XMPP Summit to the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM, rather than 
> wrapping it on the Friday and Monday
> Suggested to move to Wiki page to allow for updates, but no takers.
> 3.2) XEP-0190 <>
> Move to Obsolete? [Replaced by RFC 6120]
> ----------------------------------------
> MM, RM, TM, and MW voted +1; KS to vote on list within a fortnight.
> 3.3) XEP-0192 <>
> Move to Obsolete? [Replaced by RFC 6120]
> ----------------------------------------
> All present voted +1.
> 3.4) XEP-0193 <>
> Move to Obsolete? [Replaced by RFC 6120]
> ----------------------------------------
> All present voted +1.
> 3.5) Future Updates to XEPs -0045 and -0060
> -------------------------------------------
> It has been suggested to mvoe certain features (e.g. magement) from XEPs 
> -0045 and -0060 into a separate XEPs make them more manageable.  Council to 
> have this ducssion at its next meeting.
> 3.6) Thanks from Chair
> ----------------------
> KS expressed thanks for MM for Chairing in his lateness.
> 4) Date of next meeting
> =======================
> 2012-02-15T16:00:00Z
> ---- END ----
> - m&m
> Matthew A. Miller
> <>

- m&m

Matthew A. Miller

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