On 1/9/12 4:32 PM, Markus Kohlhase wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to discuss the status of XEP 0075 with you.
> My motivation to use it is to write an XMPP based application. It's a
> distributed system with a web client for managing some entities.
> There are several ways to communicate with application servers, e.g.
> - XEP 0009: Jabber RPC
> - XEP 0050: Ad-Hoc Commandd
> - XEP 0072: SOAP Over XMPP
> But there are some drawbacks.
> Jabber RPC/XML-RPC is an old and great protocol. But if you want to
> manage a lot of entities with its properties it's sometimes
> complicated to map the methods to the entities.
> Ad-Hoc Commands are designed for human interaction and support only
> simple data structures (XEP-0004). Of course you can use XEP 0244 but
> it's still not really suited for machine to machine interaction.
> SOAP is a modern way to interact between multiple systems but for my
> case its too bloated for my needs.
> In my opinion JOAP is a great protocol for handling a bunch of objects.
> My questions:
> - Are there any other similar protocols?

Perhaps IO Data:


> - Is it worth to work on that protocol?

Maybe. :) It's very old and might not reflect up-to-date thinking about
interactions between entities.

> - What do you think should be improved?

I haven't looked at JOAP in 9 years, so I'm not sure what I'd change.
XEP-0244 is the most recent attempt to work on something similar.
XEP-0072 is indeed bloated, but you get all that SOAP stuff for free in
various libraries, so it might be worth a closer look.


Peter Saint-Andre

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