On 5/29/12 8:33 PM, Todd Herman wrote:
> Question:  Can this extension (XEP-00267) used with Components?  The
> ability for components to send and receive presence is important to
> us but the Jabber Component extension doesn't really expand on this
> much.  I believe they can receive presence information as, at least
> with OpenFire, you can add a component to a roster but you can't do
> the opposite (since components don't have an account or a roster).  I
> am wondering if the concepts discussed in 0267 could apply to a
> component also.  Thoughts?

Any entity can share presence information with any other entity. So,
yes, an add-on component could share presence with other components,
with the server it's connected to, with users of the component, etc. For
purposes of XEP-0267 I was interested only in server-to-server presence
to used in improving federation of core XMPP servers, not components.


Peter Saint-Andre

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