Sorry about top-posting, but I wanted to preserve the entire message for
Dirk Meyer (cc'd).

Given that Dirk it not really actively involved in XMPP any longer
(AFAIK), I think it would be good for Thijs and perhaps Kim to take over
maintenance of this spec.

I also agree about decoupling this spec from XEP-0189, which as you say
went in a different direction because of some work that Matt Miller and
I were doing on end-to-end encryption at the IETF.

On 5/31/12 10:32 AM, Thijs Alkemade wrote:
> Hello list,
> In order to make it easier to implement client-side certificates in 
> Adium, I started on writing a module to implement XEP 0257: Client 
> Certificate Management for SASL EXTERNAL in Prosody, which has since 
> then been improved by Kim Alvefur. I have some comments about the 
> XEP, which I would like to share.
> - Example 5 and 6 have a typo: an erroneous "/" on line 4.
> - It uses XEP 0189 to format the public keys. However, afaict it was 
> written for version 0.8 of that specification, which differs a lot 
> from the current version. I don't think the latest version suffices
> (it appears to me it can only send the public key and some other 
> meta-data such as begin and end time, not the full certificate). 
> Theoretically, this is not a problem as everyone can look up the old 
> version of the XEP, but in practice it might be very confusing and 
> cause problems for developers who need to implement different 
> versions of 0189.
> - I'd like some clarification of the meaning of the <name> elements: 
> The <append> element should contain a <name> and the <keyinfo> 
> contains a different <name>, which according to 0189v0.8, should be 
> th SHA1 hash of the certificate. Is the former name required to be 
> unique? The examples suggest revocation and removal is done based on 
> the latter name, but this is not explicitly noted.
> - Related to the previous point, 0189v0.8 says that the <x509cert> 
> element is optional, and only the fingerprint is required. While 
> technically this is not a problem for 0257 (hash the client's 
> certificate when it connects, and only compare that), I think this 
> would have a lot of usability and security problems.
> Taking the last 3 points together, I propose removing the link with 
> 0189, as that XEP seems to serve a different purpose now. All that 
> is really necessary is to transmit the PEM encoded certificate, so 
> the <x509cert> element could directly be inside the <append> element. 
> The <name> in the <keyinfo> (which is actually a fingerprint) should 
> either be removed completely (it adds no info) and therefore basing 
> removing and revoking on the "real" <name>, or it should be renamed 
> to something like <fingerprint>/<hash>/<id> and the XEP should be 
> changed to explicitly note that removal/revocation is based on this 
> value.
> Additionally, I think it would be a nice enhancement to be able to 
> check which online resources are using which client side certificate 
> at a given moment, for example as part of the <items /> query 
> result. Though maybe this is a bit too far outside the scope of 
> this XEP.
> Best regards,
> Thijs Alkemade

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