On 2012-07-11 4:58 AM, "Gunnar Hellström" <gunnar.hellst...@omnitor.se>
> Mark,
> In all this, I get the impression that you design for the fragmented
case, when each XMPP service provider selects its own behavior for its
clients and only expects their clients to have communication with other
clients of the same service provider.
> I am still hoping that the world shall return to openness and
interoperability,  benefiting the users, and in the end thereby also the
service providers.
> Anyway, I think you have what you want if you just delete the last
paragraph of section 5, and let the fallback ( discovery-less) alternative
be described as now in 6.2 Activation.
> There are enough SHOULDs in the spec to allow isolated implementors do it
their own way.

Spoken like a true Ph.D and a need for scientifically logical
standardization. though from a perspective: it is already an open and
interoperable standard with key, carefully-chosen compromises.  By far!!

HTML won because of its flexible design.  Any kid with Notepad could
randomly mash <B> and <I> and amaze them with text that shows up equally in
Tokyo and Paris.  HTML is WAAAAAAAAY less organized than XEP-0301.
Methinks you want the standard to be excessively organized.  I am aiming
for attractiveness among multiple potential standards users, balancing
compromises as much as possible.

But, my scientific side agrees with you, too.

Mark Rejhon

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