I was curious what the definition of "constrained" is ?  

EXI does produce a compact representation of XML (which is good if 
"constrained" is meant to apply to the amount of any output XML representation)

But I think the executable code size of an EXI implementation might not be 
appropriate for a "light switch", "low-power sensor"  or other similarly 
constrained memory device.

But I guess it depends on the definition of "constrained" memory?  (both RAM 
and non-volatile code space) -- especially since there may be a dual-stack 
IPv4/IPv6 stack, HTTP module, operating system, and other code already assumed 
to be on the constrained device.


On Mar 15, 2013, at 3:39 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 3/14/13 6:50 PM, John Schneider wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Its really great to see some momentum on this! Thanks very much for
>> the energy you are putting into it. This is something in which I've
>> had a long-running interest. In fact, I think Peter and I first
>> talked about it back in 2005 (yikes!). Although I'm not sure Peter
>> was completely sold on the idea at the time (broccoli ice cream
>> anyone? [1]), he was gracious enough to help us get the XMPP EXI
>> use case together [2] and even started an early draft [3]. Thanks
>> Peter! ;-)
> One must keep an open mind.
>> Here at work, we have incorporated EXI into various XMPP solutions
>> to support our Efficient XML users (e.g., to enable XMPP on
>> aircraft). So, I'm very interested in following your progress.
>> Please keep me in the loop as you move forward. I'd be very happy
>> to help if I can.
> Yesterday at IETF 86 I had a productive chat with Yusuke Doi on this
> topic. He helped me see that, just as we've defined HTTP bindings
> (BOSH / WebSocket) for web endpoints like browsers, an EXI binding
> would expand the universe of XMPP usage to constrained devices of the
> kind that might otherwise use protocols like CoAP.
> Although I've not yet had time to read the new EXI proposal in detail,
> I shall do so as soon as possible and provide comments on the
> standards@xmpp.org list.
> Peter
> - -- 
> Peter Saint-Andre
> https://stpeter.im/
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