On 2013-04-20 17:09, Christian Vogler wrote:

can you describe exactly how the link to Section 6.5 solves the problem of <w> interval backlog? The last version I saw made Section 6.5 look like a suggestion (clients "can" ....), rather than something that is mandatory. I might not be up to date with respect to the most recent changelog there - but based on experience I now believe that implementing it has to be mandatory, rather than optional.

In order to avoid both jerky playout and excessive delay, I want to propose the algorithm for catch up in 6.5 to be changed from "Recipients can avoid excess lag by monitoring the queue for excess <w/> action elements (e.g. unprocessed <w/> elements from two <rtt/> elements ago) and then ignoring or shortening the intervals in <w/> elements."

"Recipients can avoid excess lag by monitoring the queue for unprocessed <w/> action elements from more than one <rtt> elements, and then shortening the intervals in <w/> elements so that the sum equals the sum of <w> elements in the latest <rtt> element."

I think that is the best way to handle jitter in a smooth way.

6.5 is not mandatory, so it would be interesting to see how well it is encouraged from section 4.



On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Mark Rejhon <marky...@gmail.com <mailto:marky...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 6:39 PM, Mark Rejhon <marky...@gmail.com
    <mailto:marky...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        *WORTHY -- BUT POSTPONE TO 2014*
        It makes a lot of sense but I'm going to postpone this change
        for now, because of unanticipated side effects of minor
        wording tweaks.
        Both me and Chris treat <w> intervals accumulating on a system
        time since the beginning of <rtt>, so slow local performance
        doesn't cause <w> to

    Incomplete sentence noticed; completing it as:

    Both me and Chris treat <w> intervals accumulating on a system
    time since the beginning of <rtt>, so slow local performance
    doesn't cause <w> to cause a backlog.   Even if it did cause a
    backlog, handling for backlogged <rtt> (which is the bigger
    problem and chief cause of lag), that is already written in the
    spec (with improved wording), can already adequately handle this
    scenario in XEP-0301 clients that used a "wait since last action
    element" methodology."

    In other words, the problem is already indirectly solved by the
    Version 0.8 of XEP-0301 (existing section 6.5)

Christian Vogler, PhD
Director, Technology Access Program
Department of Communication Studies
SLCC 1116
Gallaudet University
VP: 202-250-2795

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