Begin forwarded message:

> From: Matt Miller <>
> Subject: Minutes 2013-04-24T15:00:00Z
> Date: April 24, 2013 9:29:48 AM MDT
> To: XMPP Council <>
> Room Logs:
> 1) Roll call
> Tobias Markmann (TM), Matt Miller (MM), Matthew Wild (MW) present.  Ralph 
> Meijer (RM) absent. Kevin Smith (KS) sent apologies in advance.
> 2)
> Accept as Experimental?
> No objections from TM and MM.  MW (and others) have one week remaining to 
> object on list.
> 3)
> Accept as Experimental?
> No objections from TM and MM.  MW (and others) have one week remaining to 
> object on list.
> 4)
> Accept as Experimental?
> No objections from TM and MM.  MW (and others) have one week remaining to 
> object on list.
> 5) Next Meeting
> 2013-05-01 @ 15:00 UTC.
> 6)Any Other Business
> None.

- m&m

Matthew A. Miller
< >

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