On 28 May 2013 21:44, XMPP Extensions Editor <edi...@xmpp.org> wrote:
> The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.
> Title: Chat Markers
> Abstract: This specification describes a solution of marking the last 
> received, read and acknowledged message in a chat.
> URL: http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/chat-markers.html
> The XMPP Council will decide in the next two weeks whether to accept this 
> proposal as an official XEP.

A couple of council members (including myself) at the meeting
yesterday decided not to accept this proposal as it stands.

The main issue for me is that it is unclear about how the protocol
would work in a federated environment. It needs to be clearly
specified which stanzas are sent to and handled by which server, for
example. I'm not sure if the XEP is covering this and simply needs to
be more clear, or if it's neglecting to deal with s2s entirely.

A more general issue is whether this XEP  (or rather the specific
protocol it defines) s necessary at all. I'm not saying it definitely
isn't, but need a little more persuasion. For example it seems that
the primary issue it is working around is that XEP-0136 and XEP-0313
might not save messages with no body. Might it not be easier to solve
this problem instead?

For XEP-0136, it appears to be configurable already in the archiving
preferences (surprise surprise!). For XEP-0313, I'm open to discussion
about what it recommends.

XEP-0313 intentionally remains silent on most policy decisions like
that. However it seemed sensible at the time that nobody would want to
archive messages without a body, which on the network today are
primarily chat states and notifications of various sorts. The XEP is
still experimental, perhaps we can come up with better rules? I don't
know, that's a discussion for another thread.

Forgetting archiving completely for the moment, offline messages might
do enough already, no? XEP-0160 doesn't actually have any
recommendations about what to store or what not to store. It seems
that servers are expected to identify things like chat states already
(XEP-0085 says that servers "SHOULD NOT store them offline"). This
doesn't seem like a good model, but it's what we currently have.

If we can disentangle this mess about how servers treat different
kinds of messages, would this be a viable alternative to the current
chat markers proposal? Unlike the current proposal, it's possible that
no server modifications would be necessary, which would greatly speed
adoption of such a protocol that does what you need.


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