On 6/5/13 4:27 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback.
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im
> <mailto:stpe...@stpeter.im>> wrote:
>     On 2/20/13 5:43 PM, XMPP Extensions Editor wrote: 
>     > 5. Is the specification accurate and clearly written?
>     I have several questions:
>     Section 2.1: "If a server supports bidirectional server-to-server
>     streams, it should inform the connecting entity when returning stream
>     features during the stream negotiation process (both before and after
>     TLS negotiation)." Is there any reason why the "should" is not a "MUST"?
> It's a should not a SHOULD, too.

Yeah, I find those very confusing and these days I always use "ought to"
(or somesuch) instead of lowercase "should".

> While I don't think it'd be useful, I don't think it raises an
> interoperability concern.
> For instance, a server could suggest bidi after some traffic has flowed,
> and if the peer starts sending traffic back, great - if not, nothing's
> lost. As such, RFC 2119 language would seem inappropriate.

It's not a hill for me to die on.

>     Section 2.2: This isn't really negotiation, is it? More like simply
>     enabling the feature (no parameters negotiated etc.).
> If I'm to be pedantic, I might suggest this is really a feature offer,
> and neither enabling nor negotiating. Happy to pick a term and stick to
> it throughout, but I'd note this is splitting hairs.

Receiving entity offers, initiating entity enables.

>     Section 2.2: "To enable bidirectional communication, the connecting
>     server sends a <bidi/> element qualified by the 'urn:xmpp:bidi'
>     namespace. This SHOULD be done before either SASL negotiation or
>     Server Dialback." Why is this not a "MUST"? I don't see what good it
>     would do to negotiate / enable bidi after SASL negotiation or server
>     dialback.
> As above - this shouldn't be "SHOULD", but "is typically" or some such.

Fine with me.

>     Section 2.2: "Also note that the receiving server MUST only send
>     stanzas for which it has been authenticated - in the case of TLS/SASL
>     based authentication, this is the value of the stream's 'to'
>     attribute, whereas in the case of Server Dialback this is the inverse
>     of any domain pair that has been used in a dialback request." This is
>     already covered by RFC 6120 and XEP-0220. Does it need to be
>     reiterated here?
> Yes, I thought so at the time. The distinction between what RFC 6120 and
> XEP-0220 says is in the direction.

I don't see any harm in including that text, it just seemed duplicative.

>     Section 3 has "C:" and "S:" but these are both servers. It might help
>     to change them to "S1" and "S2" or "I" and "R".
> Yes, R and I seem sensible.
>     Add the TLS negotiation after <proceed/> for Example 3 and Example 4?
> OK
>     I think Example 5 is OK but I think it's mislabled (it's really about
>     piggybacking / multiplexing, not stream setup before TLS as far as I
>     can see).
> I'll take a look.

Thanks for considering the feedback.


Peter Saint-Andre

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