Found my notes from the Summit, bear created : . I think 
we should put it there.


On Jul 16, 2013, at 7:27 AM, Steffen Larsen <> wrote:

> Actually back in february (for the Summit), Bear created a subdomain 
> specifically for this, there should link or contain whitepapers for things 
> like scaling, mobility  etc.
> I can't remember what we called it, but the project have seemed to be stalled 
> a bit. 
> I started making a small doc for scaling XMPP for web environments, but I 
> don't know where to put it.. Its a field we really could improve, and this 
> would really help answer peoples questions and yet again push and broaden 
> XMPP environments for people that might not dare to go that specific way, 
> because it seems complicated or other reasons..
> /Steffen
> On Jul 15, 2013, at 10:52 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 7/15/13 9:57 AM, Peter Waher wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Is there a repository of known academic papers & white papers
>>> related to XMPP somewhere? If not, would it not be of interest to
>>> have such a repository with such papers or links to them? Perhaps
>>> in some logical order.
>> We don't have such a repository. We've talked before about starting a
>> repo of whitepapers, but we never seem to have the energy to launch it.
>> Peter
>> - -- 
>> Peter Saint-Andre
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