On 4/14/14, 8:33 AM, Philipp Hancke wrote:
   1. A server implementation MUST NOT turn on compression by default;
instead, it MUST enable a server administrator to turn on compression if

Any particular reason to use RFC 2119 language here (and in 2+3).
Otherwise this LGTM.

   3. A server implementation MUST enable a server administrator to
limit the amount of bandwidth it will allow a connected client or peer
server to use in a given time period.

We have that already in
http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0205.html#rec-bandwidth so if this
repeated here (which seems like a good idea) there should be a reference.

In fact, some of this text is in RFC 6120:


Mostly we're strengthening that here, and if 6120bis is ever published we'll strengthen the text in the core spec.


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