This is in the context of transports, but could apply to account registration as well. Sometimes one needs multiple steps in a registration process, usually because of an out-of-band verification that needs to happen (think: you give me phone number, I sms you a code, you give me the code. I need your phone number in order to send you the code, but now you've submitted the form already)

This is not a theoretical use case, I am using the below with a transport that I am implementing right now.

Strawman proposal: new XEP that allows XEP-0077 iq results to return a new set of fields and/or data form. Supporting clients see this form in the result and display to the user as per usual. Non-supporting clients report "success" because they ignore the form, and the user can re-initiate registration with the entity to resume mid-flow.

Example flow for transport registration use case with SMS verification:

== Entity Requests Registration Fields from Host ==

<iq type='get' id='reg1' to='sms.shakespeare.lit'>
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'/>

== Host Returns Registration Fields to Entity ==

<iq type='result' id='reg1'>
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>
      We will send you a code to verify your phone number.

== Entity Provides Required Information ==

<iq type='set' id='reg2'>
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>

== Host Informs Entity of More Fields Needed ==

<iq type='result' id='reg2'>
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>
      Enter the code you received via SMS

== Entity Provies Further Information ==

<iq type='set' id='reg3'>
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>

== Host Informs Entity of Successful Registration ==

<iq type='result' id='reg3'/>

Stephen Paul Weber, @singpolyma
See <> for how I prefer to be contacted
edition right joseph

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