Does XEP-167 (or some other XEP) make it possible for a Jingle endpoint to 
change, or reorder, its list of supported codecs?

The description-info method makes it possible to change the properties of a 
codec; but XEP-167 explicitly says that the order of the codecs in 
description-info doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t provide a mechanism to remove a 
codec from the list.

The use case for this is the case where an endpoint can supports multiple 
codecs, but with a cost; so once a common codec is negotiated, it wants to 
remove support for other ones so that the associated decoding hardware can be 
freed up.

This is pretty common in SIP re-INVITE messages, so this would be important for 
STOX Media if that’s going to be finished.

Am I missing something, or is this a lacuna in Jingle?  Do any existing 
endpoints support this somehow?
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