Thank you very much for the feedback we are receiving about Spoilers.

*Regarding 'xml:lang' values for hints
It is indeed a good idea. We didn't think about and it.

*About RFC 2119 keywords use:
Using as an example «Users SHOULD be able to uncover or hide a spoiler message 
at will, anytime.», when writing this,
we thought about this line as a recommendation for a better UX.
We know everyone would expect this behaviour in a client, but we didn't want 
to «make harder» the implementation (or rather, to not meddle in).
The basic idea was to know there is a message that has to be covered.
The hint attribute or those UX recommendations, are there [more] for a better 
implementation rather than anything else.

Of course, we are very pleased to make any necessary changes to this proposed 
XEP to improve it as much as it can be.

We were not sure to use or not «spoiler» as the main word here, because we 
don't know if it is used in formal contexts or how this word is perceived 
outside the "Internet culture".

We didn't want to use «hide» because the message is not a hidden thing, it is 
more like a covered message. 

At the end, we used «spoiler» because it makes easy and fast to understand 
what is the XEP about.

We understand sending big chunks of text is not desirable in an IM context, 
but we also understand not everyone knows or is willing to use services that 
allow you to host big chunks of messages.

As an example, let's say Romeo is subscribed to a digital newspaper and he 
usually sends subscriber's comments from the news to Juliet, which is not 
subscribed, and this way, they create a topic to be discussed.

They could benefit from this XEP having a more visually appealing conversation, 
although those comments are not spoilers at all.

In such cases, it is true it is wrong to call them spoilers, but at the end, 
the behaviour is the same. 

We would be very happy either using «spoiler» (because it is easy to 
understand, etc) or any other word that could describe better this feature.

*Regarding multiple <body/> elements
We are not aware how clients handle multiple <body/> elements, unfortunately, 
but with the current specification, we thought the client would display as 
spoiler the content of the message the user would see.
So, if the user would see a formated text using <xhtml/>, the client would put 
inside the spoiler, that content.

If not, the specification will need to be improved in that aspect, definitely.

Thank you very much again for your comments, we are happy to hear and learn 
from them.

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