Sat, 25 Mar 2017 11:48:56 +0100
VanitasVitae <> wrote:

> But that's intended

Well I don't like this intention.

> If you want to search through your messages, the only way is to do it
> in your local archive

Then there is a little point in MAM, because you still need to keep
a local copy.

> The UX is relatively independent from the protocol I'd say

I would disagree. The "trust" is a fundamental property of all
crypto stuff, they don't work without trust. But a user doesn't
understand this (probably due to poor UX): s/he doesn't understand what
are all these fingerprints/QR codes for. Browser developers have learnt
that and don't ask a user about trust anymore.

> QR codes are already a step in the right direction

Not that much, users will still be puzzled, imho.
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