# 2017-04-26 Council Meeting

Logs: Logs currently offline

## Roll call

- Tobias (chairing)
- SamWhited
- inputmice (aka "Different account daniel")
- Link Mauve
- Dave Cridland

## SHA-1 Migration Plan

Tobias and Link Mauve to sync after the meeting to determine what needs to be
done. No progress to report.

## Date of next


## AOB

- Voting period for moving XEP-0334 to draft ended (it will not advance).
- Sam to provide a plan and possibly patches for other XEPs for future
  discussion on how to replace 0334.
- Daniel would like to discuss how we handle namespaces and versioning in
  experimental XEPs. Discussion to happen on list.
- Editor tooling still broken after the server issues. No ETA on a fix.

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