On 24 May 2017, at 14:48, Tobias Markmann <tmarkm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> ## XSF Editor infrastructure state
> Tobias asks Sam (with his editor hat on) about the current state of XSF 
> Editor infrastructure and their ability to publish and otherwise process XEP 
> changes. Without this ability it makes little sense to the XMPP Council to 
> vote on new XEPs.
> Sam is unclear about the current state and though it was not working yet, 
> while Kev saying in the morning that it was and that he's working on 
> automating some processes.

To publish new XEPs the Editors simply have to commit the new versions, and 
then drop me (or others on iteam) a mail asking for the container to be 
redeployed. I believe some of the Editor scripts that send email might need 
adjusting, but from an iteam-deploying-XEPs-to-the-website point of view 
everything of which I’m aware is working (I have tested deploying stuff and it 
seems ok - the only current wibble is that the website itself doesn’t correctly 
list XEP versions on the index; I’m hoping to look at this soon).

> * Dave joins *
> Sam and Dave think it still involves manual steps.

It does, as it has always done.

> We decide to hold off further XMPP Council actions for the XSF Editor as it 
> would just queue up actions without visible results.

I don’t see any reason to do this, we’re able to publish XEP updates just fine.

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