
there is a number of open issues with how message routing currently
works for the IM use case, and where it doesn't work consistently
because of different patches (Carbons, MAM) that we have applied over
time to modernize it.

XEP-0280 has been Last-Called twice in the last two years, and its
problems were never quite addressed. I also strongly dislike the vague
rules it contains, because they are bound to result in inconsistent UX
(see https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/434). The discussion has shown,
however, that we as a community don't have a good picture of how those
rules should look.

Now would be a good time to step back, analyze the situation we are in,
and to work out how the future should look and feel (and work).

I was kindly asked to state the current problems in a TL;DR compatible
way, so I would like to attempt two things.

First, I've prepared a slide deck for a hypothetical Summit talk:

Second, I'll write a series of (hopefully short) messages to this list,
picking one issue at a time, in the hope to arrive at a Big Picture some
time in the future, and to ignite discussion on the individual issues.

My primary focus is IM, so I'm probably overlooking the challenges of
IoT, VoIP and any other use cases, and my ideas might break expectations
created by those. Please chime in and add your knowledge to the

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++ IRCnet OFTC OPN ||_________________________________________________||

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