
As has been pointed out several times, there are many implementations of 
Markdown, and many different syntaxes, some even differ on basic elements.

IF we are going to make a XEP that can be used by implementations that already 
have Markdown support, I suggest, as has been pointed out by others, that we 
base it on XML and not the markdown syntax itself. Those of us that already 
have markdown parsers would at least prefer to map parsed markdown to XML, 
rather than have to change syntax, since it would affect content already 
published. Parsed XML is also easier to implement and render. And it can also 
be used to map other types of syntax too. We could also make the XML 
extensible, in the sense that we could, through the use of namespaces, add 
constructs as we see the need for them. Clients not supporting certain 
constructs could probably treat them individually as plain text, without too 
much distortion.

In any case, I'm interested in participating in the writing of such an XEP, 
regardless of if we chose an XSF Markdown flavour (one more for others to 
learn), or an XML representation of its constructs.

Having said that, I still think there's a need to be able to annotate content 
in messages, and also to be able to transmit multiple representations of the 
same content in the same message.

Best regards,
Peter Waher
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