Le mardi 7 novembre 2017, 21:34:04 CET Jonas Wielicki a écrit :
> The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.
> Title: Message Markup
> Abstract:
> This specification provides an alternative to XHTML-IM with rigid
> separation of content and markup information, improving the resilience
> against spoofing and injection attacks.
> URL: https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/markup.html
> The Council will decide in the next two weeks whether to accept this
> proposal as an official XEP.
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about the stars in the list items, it's not really nice to keep them.

It would be good to have an attribute to say which plain text characters can 
be safely removed without changing the meaning.
For instance type="numeric" means than "^[0-9]+\)" can be removed, type="star" 
mean that the first character must be a "*" and it can be removed.

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