
my original question quickly drifted away to a discussion about the use case of 
serverless messaging.

But I feel my concern was not addressed:

1. Why can’t the receiving entity include its Entity Caps as stream feature as 
described in XEP-0115?
2. Why should we instead use disco#info? I don't consider disco#info in stream 
features an optimization which justifies the additional implementation overhead:
- Deal with Entity Caps in TXT records. It's only to potentially know an 
entity's capabilities before having initiated a stream with it, right? Sounds 
ok then, but unreliable.
- Deal with yet another stream feature which covers an existing use case: to 
know an entity's capabilities (Entity Caps, Caps 2.0, disco#info)
- Nowhere else is disco#info mentioned to be included in stream features

I'd prefer the following:
The receiving entity includes Entity Caps in it's stream features. If not known 
by the initiating entity, it may request disco#info and proceed normally 
(verify and cache the result). Most, or even all of an existing Entity Caps 
implementation could be reused then.

3. Can the section be updated although the specification is final?

-- Christian
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