On 3 Jun 2018, at 17:13, Steve Kille <steve.ki...@isode.com> wrote:
> Daniel,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Standards <standards-boun...@xmpp.org> On Behalf Of Daniel Gultsch
>> Sent: 03 June 2018 08:29
>> To: XMPP Standards <standards@xmpp.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Standards] Another proposal - Handling JIDs for MIX-CORE, MIX-
>> 2018-06-03 1:33 GMT+02:00 Steve Kille <steve.ki...@isode.com>:
>>> (Nick and Bare JID).
>> I’m just on my way home from a very productive and interesting meetup with
>> designers and artists. And without knowledge of the current MIX debate - just
>> by analyzing the way Conversations currently implements group chats / MUC -
>> people very quickly challenged the need for having per room nicks. And the 
>> very
>> few arguments I was able to make in defense of having nicks in groups chats 
>> are
>> only valid for anonymous groups.
>> Just wanting to put this out there…
>> cheers
>> Daniel
> [Steve Kille] 
> Thanks 0 this is useful to share.
> I can see that most users joining a public channel would want to use the same 
> Nick for this and for all public interactions.

I think that’s usually true, yes. There are clearly cases, like the Discord 
model, where you want a different nick in different (sets of) channel(s), but 
usually on XMPP I’m Kev and want to remain Kev. I think that’s 
straightforwardly achieved by my client just setting me Kev in any room or 
channel I join based on my local preference.

> There is no global registry, where users can register Nicks.   I won't debate 
> if this is good or bad.   However,  I think it means that channels (or MUC 
> rooms) need to get users to pick a Nick.    I think it would be helpful for 
> an XMPP client to make it easy to choose the same Nick for all channels.
> We also see environments where service operators want to enforce consistent 
> and sensible Nicks.

The ability for a channel to set the nick (override the nick) for a user based 
on local policy might not be core, but I think knowing that clients will react 
sensibly to that override is core, and so both end up needing to be in -core.

> MIX has a concept of Nick Registration (now in MIX-MISC)  which provides a 
> framework for users to have a single Nick across channels in a single domain. 
>    This is clearly not a global Nick, but can help deployments where only one 
> or a small number of MIX domains are used.

I think that helps with the “don’t let someone else steal my nick” case (which 
is a definite case), but for the “just want to be Kev everywhere” case where 
Kev isn’t a popular name, probably just setting from the client automatically 
is straightforward.

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