On 8/8/18 2:05 PM, Matthew Wild wrote:
> And another question... (for Ralph? :) )
> There are some cases which are not clear regarding the permission model.
> These two things contradict for example:
> Table 1: "Affiliations and their Privileges" states that entities with
> affiliation "none" may not retrieve items.
> Table 6: "Node Access Models" states that for "open" nodes (which it
> says SHOULD be the default), "any entity may retrieve items from the
> node".
> Would it be fair to say that for an "open" node, an unaffiliated
> entity would have the same permissions as a "member" would on a more
> closed node?

Yes. Intuitively, it makes sense that on a more closed node (e.g., where
subscriptions need to be authorized), there is a difference between
"member" and "none". But that distinction doesn't apply to a node with
an open access model.



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