1) Roll Call
Present: Kev, Daniel, Sam
More not here than here: Georg
Even more not here than here: Dave

2) Agenda Bashing
Kev says "Cool."

3a) Proposed XMPP Extension: Bookmarks Conversion -
Kev isn't sure about the Introduction implying that "Bookmarks 2" (BM2) is not 
widely adopted while PEP bookmarks are; Zash thinks there are 3 client BM2 
Kev would be inclined to go straight to BM2, but isn't blocking the proto-XEP.
Daniel has many issues with BM2; Kev doesn't necessarily mean he's in favour of 
BM2 as currently written.

Georg: [on-list]
Daniel: +1
Kev: +1
Sam: +1
Dave: [pending]

3b) Last Call: XEP-0359 (Unique and Stable Stanza IDs)

Kev: +1 (see no harm in issuing LCs in general)
Sam: +1
Daniel: +1
Georg: +1
Dave:  [pending]

3c) Last Call: XEP-0357 (Push Notifications)
Kev, once again, sees no harm in an LC, but suspects it's not ready for 
Daniel also doesn't think it will make it, but doesn't object to the LC.
Sam suggests the LC will at least help flush out some feedback from the 

Kev: +1
Daniel: +1
Georg: +1
Sam: +1
Dave: [pending]

4) Outstanding Votes
Outstanding Votes are still outstanding.

5) Next Meeting
2018-10-10 1500 UTC

6) AOB
Link Mauve queries the status of the MUC Avatars proto-XEP 
(; Kev notes that it had 
three +1s, and Sam vetoed on-list.
Sam suspects that may have been his evil twin, and requests a link for further 
investigation - Kev points him in the appropriate direction 
( - Sam 
agrees with his evil twin.
Kev thinks that delaying small improvements in the hopes of finding eventual 
perfection probably isn't the best way to go; if people are doing it anyway, 
inter-operating is better than not and provides a clear specification to 
deprecate later.
Sam maintains that it should be as simple as mentioning this can be done in one 
of the other avatar specs, rather than a full re-hash of vcard-temp.
Kev prefers, in some future alternate reality, to be able to say "Here are all 
the ways people do it already. We're now deprecating them all in favour of the 
One True Ring", instead of "Here are some of the ways, we're deprecating those, 
but lots of people did other things and we can't say anything about those."
Dave liked Edhelas's suggestions for expanding this to include PubSub nodes and 

Kev ushers everyone to move on from the current topic and bring the meeting to 
a swift close.

Sam asks whether PR #706 ( is a matter for 
Council - there was a confusion a few weeks ago that updating to the new 
language would have fixed, and it is already being used that way; Kev thinks it 
would make a nice addition to next week's agenda.

7) Close
Kev thanks all.

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