Dave is here, but potentially not, and so asks Georg to chair; Georg graciously 

1) Roll Call
Present: Georg, Dave, Daniel, Sam
Apologies: Kev

2) Lack of Agenda Bashing
Georg made a poor attempt at sneaking 
onto the non-existent agenda; in his defence, he did write to the mailing list 
several months ago 
( without 
receiving an answer to the important question.
Dave can't seem find XEP-0283 as it appears to have been <moved/>.
Georg also mentions the non-existent list of expired Council votes that should 
be recast.

[Georg would like to resurrect XEP-0283 and allow automatic approval of JID 
changes (and maybe also invent some way to move local/MAM history for that 
Dave would like to see a PR, but feels it ought to be possible to allow 
automation and still satisfy the security considerations.
Georg suggests that proving ownership of both the old and new accounts by 
publishing cross-references on both should be enough to allow automatic JID 
replacement by remote entities; temporary control over an account is a possible 
attack vector, but then the account has already been compromised. Dave suggests 
a possible use case where the new account holder no longer has access to the 
old account - Georg is, conveniently, not speaking of that.
Georg asks what the relevant process is - Jonas says to make a PR, and the 
XEP's original author can be notified, or Council can override and accept a new 
author; Georg will start with a PR and authorship can be discussed later.

Daniel asks if this is the right time to mention not liking XMPP's mutual 
subscription; Georg thinks so; Sam also dislikes it; Dave would like to hear 
about it, but not right now.

Sam would like to see a PR on XEP-0283, but has a feeling that another server 
forcing your server to make new S2S connections might be bad somehow, though 
can't actually think of a problem; Georg will consider it, and the protocol 
must be bullet-proof with regard to race conditions since multiple servers are 

4) AOB
Georg mentions the upcoming XSF election night on 2018-11-22, and would love to 
get rid of the many expired items on the SoD before then; Jonas points out that 
many were vetoed and so are not up for re-voting.
Georg suggests somebody with free time should review the votes, i.e. nobody; 
Dave might be able to do it before the next meeting. Jonas resigns to the fact 
he will probably have to do it, if it's to get done.
Georg notices that recasting votes will give people two weeks, which will push 
into the next Council term, but would really like to have the list cleaned up 
in time for the next agenda.

[Apparently not.]

6) Next Meeting
Georg checks that next week works for everyone - Sam thinks so; Daniel probably 
won't be able to make it.

2018-11-14 1600 UTC (0800 PST; 1000 CST; 1100 EST; 1600 GMT; 1700 CET; 1800 
EET; 1900 MSK; 2018-11-15 0000 AWST)

7) Close
Georg thanks everyone and hopes next week works out.

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