1) Roll Call
Present: Jonas, Link, Georg, Dave, Kev

2a) Proposed XMPP Extension: Simple Buttons -
Jonas is not happy about the editorial quality of this one.
Georg asks if there are any functionally comparable XEPs - Link mentions 
XEP-0050 (Ad-Hoc Commands); Jonas mentions XEP-0050 and XEP-0004 (Data Forms), 
noting they don't do quite the same thing.
Georg wonders whether embedding a data form in a message would make sense. Zash 
tried to draft something like this, but it was horrifying.
Kev thinks it would be more appropriate to extend Data Forms with buttons and 
internationalisation than to have a new mechanism that will later need to be 
extended for other form things anyway.
Dave asks whether there are buttons in Data Forms - Jonas and Link think they 
could be handled with list-single. Georg asks if actions are essentially 
buttons - Link says they are rendered as buttons in some clients; Zash points 
out that they're fixed functionality (next, previous, cancel, complete); Dave 
and Jonas say actions are part of Ad-Hoc Commands, but not Data Forms.
Jonas notes that Ad-Hoc Commands doesn't allow passing of the conversational 
context, while this XEP does; and message context could come from making the 
button values unique.
Dave starts asking the important questions: is having buttons in messages OK? 
and is this method so broken it should be abandoned?
Everyone is generally supportive of having buttons in messages - there are good 
use cases, e.g. Memberbot. Dave notes that Memberbot currently uses clickable 
XMPP URIs, which is "ikky."
Kev doesn't think it's actively broken so much as the Wrong Way, and can't 
decide whether to veto. Link has needed more functionality than 'just buttons' 
a few times (this poll could have been two text-single questions, for example); 
it's not necessarily broken, but only suited to a narrow set of use cases. 
Jonas thinks such features are only useful for bots, but this proposal is worth 
playing with, and he would definitely want more extensive features.
Georg ponders whether clients should only render the buttons for the last 
incoming message; Jonas doesn't want to start a debate on the exact meaning of 
'last message'; Dave suggests disabling the buttons when clicked. Zash would 
like some kind of 'in-reply-to' tag.
Dave demands votes.

Kev: [on-list] (concerned people will jump on this, implement the simple stuff, 
then start extending with other form fields, and we'll rebuild xep4)
Jonas: [on-list]
Dave: +0
Georg: [on-list]
Link: [on-list]

Georg likes the simplicity of the proposal, and thinks it might be good as a 
self-contained thing (without Data Forms.)
Jonas thinks this proposal having an i18n story is an advantage over Data 
Forms; and though people think it's possible to discover the correct language, 
that's not always true. Dave thinks i18n is more theory than practice; Jonas 
knows of implementations that send internationalised error messages and ones 
that can deal with receiving them.
Kev says there are two options: fixing Data Forms in whatever way, or inventing 
an entirely new not-data-forms-but-still-very-much-data-forms; Jonas agrees, 
but thinks Data Forms tries to do too many things already (forms and reports 
under the same element makes implementations weird and complicates validation). 
Dave throws in a third option: mutated-adhoc-commands-for-chat; Kev would 
include that under extending Data Forms.

2b) Proposed XMPP Extension: XMPP Compliance Suites 2019 -

Jonas: +1
Link: +1
Dave: +1
Georg: +1
Kev: [on-list]

Jonas would like a discussion on why the Compliance Suites are on the Standards 
Track, rather than Informational - semantically, it doesn't make sense, other 
than because XEP-0001 says so.
Link thinks there are a few useful XEPs missing, but that can be fixed.
Georg would like to know what's changed between CS'18 and '19; Dave thinks 
adding a delta to the document would be useful. Georg suggests mentioning which 
XEPs are new/removed in the Revision History - Jonas says they're not the same 
document. Georg would at least like to see what has changed since the last 
Compliance Suites, as would Kev.

Link would like to make more noise about the Compliance Suites, maybe calling 
it XMPP 2019 and doing a lot more marketing around this; also, shaming 
bad/abandoned clients in the hope of breaking the "XMPP is bad because 
bad-client-that-does-xmpp is bad" association. Dave says this is something to 
be pushed up to Board.

Jonas would like input from the XMPP-based Social Network crowd for their own 
Compliance Suites section.

3) AOB
Jonas notes that XEP-0001 has been updated to allow movement from Proposed back 
to Experimental; also there are some XEPs stuck in Last Call.

4) Next Meeting
2018-12-19 1600 UTC

Kev has a conflicting meeting, but will try to be here.
Georg will probably be on a train, or maybe in a car, but shall battle 
overwhelming circumstances to make it regardless.

5) Close
All thank all.

Georg would like to advance XEP-0410 (MUC Self-Ping); Jonas offers a CFE - 
Georg grabs it with two hands (one for Poezio and another for Yaxim.)

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