[stripping out the arguments I don't disagree with, to further
illuminate a specific point]

* Kevin Smith <kevin.sm...@isode.com> [2019-04-02 13:03]:
> I don’t really think what you’re looking for here is a clarification
> of the intent of the XEP, but a change of behaviour.

I can agree with that, so in retrospect, the point of my -1 is also to
ignite (enforce?) a discussion on whether such a change of behavior
could be the better solution in the long term.

> > (and you will drop the correction messages)
> As further evidence that this isn’t a good idea, it’ll break anything else 
> using the id - e.g. message receipts.

Thank you for bringing this up! The interaction of Receipts and
Corrections is a challenge I've had on my mind as well. Can we agree
that for the sending user, it is important to see that the latest
corrected message arrived successfully, and that the status of earlier
versions is unimporant?

The sending client would then do two things when sending out a

a) clear the "acknowledged" flag on the corrected message

b) add a receipt request to the LMC message:

 <m id=2><b>fixed</b><r id=1/><rr/></m>

Now, if the sending client does not keep the incorrect versions of the
message, all that remains in its storage is this:

 <m id=1><b>fixed</b></m>

If we follow the "a correction replaces all child-elements" rationale,
the receiving client now needs to treat the new message as an update of
the original and to send a receipt for the _original_ message id:

 <m id=4711><received id=1/></m>

Obviously, this doesn't make sense for the sending client as it can not
distinguish this ack from a delayed ack for the original incorrect
message. Obviously, the receiver could send a 'replace' on its initial

 <m id=4712><received id=1/><r id=4711></m>

That would indicate to the sender that *some* edit of the message was
acknowledged, but the reference to the original ACK number is rather
irrelevant because there is no use in keeping track of those, and the
original ACK does not define which revision of the message it related

If we bend the rationale into "a receipt request in a correction is not
part of the correction but part of the meta-data of the correction
message", then the receiver will actually send a receipt for the LMC id:

 <m id=4711><received id=2/></m>

The original sender still can not associate this id with the corrected
message without also keeping track of _at least_ the last correction ID
that was applied to the original message.

A similar problem (and the associated race condition) exists with other
message reference schemes like Message Attaching and References. The
entity that emitted the Reference can then send out a corrected
Reference when processing a correction of the initial message. But
again, which id should the Reference in the correction reference?

I'm not sure how we should treat future Emoji Reactions. Should they
remain attached to the corrected message (this is probably the most
logical thing)?

Luckily, MAM ids (which are technically also a child element) can
probably be argued as something that definitively is not part of the
correction, so that there is no way to confuse the archive.

> > While message reordering doesn't exist in XMPP (at least in theory),
> > [...] all corrections are equal and the latest one wins.
> …which is fine, AFAICS.

While a little bit tongue-in-cheek, my comment was intended to provoke
further thought. One such situation(*) is when you perform two
corrections of the same message from two different clients, with the
corrections arriving at the recipient in arbitrary order. The 'wrong'
approach spans a tree of message corrections leading to the original
message as its root. A recipient will end up showing all leaf messages
(because it won't be able to merge different sub-trees) as long as order
is maintained over each sub-tree. With the 'right' approach, all
corrections are leafs of the original, leaving the most
delayed correction as the winner(**).

(*) in direct-messaging siutaitons, this is violating the
full-JID-MUST-match business rule in 0308, which I disagree with for
practical reasons. In a MUC, all clients appear under the same full JID,
but the MUC is acting as an order arbitrator. Even if the final order of
the messages is not the intended one, the sender will see and be able to
issue another correction eventually.

(**) I know that this sounds like a very much constructed edge-case, but
I've already been in the situation where I corrected a message multiple
times from multiple devices.

> With one of my other hats on, if we’re going to have a server archive
> that understands corrections (and other references, as we discussed at
> the Summit), which we’re going to need, it’s going to be much more
> straightforward to have everything anchoring off a single message,
> rather than needing to follow a chain.

This is a very strong argument. I just wonder what quirks will be
required on top to address the above issues with references and


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