Le 2019-05-23 13:02, Guus der Kinderen a écrit :

There's an effort under way to have developed visual badges associated
to the XMPP Compliance Suites.

To my knowledge, three variants of badges are under development:

        * https://op-co.de/tmp/xmpp-compliance-badges/
        * https://bitbucket.org/mrtedd/compliance-badges/src

We're looking for feedback on the visual quality and content of these
prototypes. Anything that will help the authors to improve them, as
well as for us to eventually choose between them, is highly


- I find the 1) (op-co.de) not clear enough: "core client" is a bit confusing for people who don't know the XMPP client.

- the 2) (bitbucket.org) version is way more clear: we immediately see that's it's XMPP, the year, then the category passed

- version 3) (opensourcedesign.net) is more beautiful and catchy: the 2 first ones looks like any badge while 3) can be recognized at first sight. I think we should see "XMPP" and year first, then the categories passed, in the same spirit as 2). Also this badge would be nice on a web page, but maybe not on top of a rendered README.

So my favories are 2) and 3), and I wonder if we couldn't have both: 2) seems better for a documentation, while 3) seems better to put on a website.

Other remarks:

- will the badges be associated to the compliance tester? In this case should they link to it? And if we go further, could we have a list of all clients passing a test by clicking on a badge?

- I know it's more a compliance suite issue than a badge issue, but we should really have a "social" category, with at least XEP-0277. It's a category that we are improving a lot, and a badge would help potential user to see which client support that. Too late for 2019 suite, but would be nice to think about it for 2020.

Thanks for the work to all people involved.

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