2019-08-07 (expired 2019-08-21)
FAILED (-0:4:+1) PR #806 - XEP-0060: Add pubsub#public in Publish-Subscribe 
features - https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/806
VETOED (-1:3:+1) PR #808 - XEP-0045: Add Tags configuration and metadata - 
PASSED (-0:1:+4) PR #805 - XEP-0060: Add a pubsub#rsm disco#info feature to 
clear confusion - https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/805

2019-08-28 (expired 2019-09-11)

PASSED (-0:1:+4)
Advance to Draft: XEP-0300 (Use of Cryptographic Hash Functions in XMPP) - 
Dave: +1 (agree with Kev)
Georg: +1
Jonas: +1 (I think)
Kev: +1 (agree Table 1 is problematic; there to supplement IANA Registry - it 
may change over time, but so will the registry)
Link: [abstained]

VETOED (-4:0:+1)
Advance to Draft: XEP-0353 (Jingle Message Initiation) - 
Dave: -1 (agree with Kev)
Georg: -1 (sure some of {0280, 0313, 0353, 0357} will need to be changed to 
make this sound)
Jonas: -1 (the LC provided valuable feedback to be considered before Draft)
Kev: -1 (until there is a clearer picture - LC feedback suggests outstanding 
Link: +1 (default to +1)

2019-09-04 (expiring 2019-09-18)

PASSED (-0:1:+4)
Proposed XMPP Extension: XMPP Compliance Suites 2020 - 
Dave: +1 (nothing we can't fix in Experimental, let's get the ball rolling)
Georg: +1 (obviously)
Jonas: +1 (we can discuss details in Experimental)
Kev: +0 (don't see anything particularly wrong with it, other than wanting to 
break the cycle of yearly compliance suites)
Link: +1

PASSED (-0:0:+5)
PR #812 - XEP-0084: Bump bytes datatype from unsignedShort to unsignedInteger - 
Dave: +1 (just rectifies an error in the XML schema)
Georg: +1
Jonas: +1
Kev: +1 (default to +1, unless I think of a reason later)
Link: +1

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