Hi everyone,

I'd like to resurrect the Reactions topic.

As you might remember, in July a first XEP was proposed [1]. There was some discussion on the mailing list [2] following this proposal. In summary there was mainly three concerns:

1. The ProtoXEP does not specify a fallback body and does not use XEP-0308. I explained that this was intentionally left unspecified for now to gather insights if a fallback body would be beneficial or rather hurt adoption. 2. The ProtoXEP defines that reactions can only be a single unicode emojis. Some felt that there should be the possibility to have images as reactions. This can be addressed later with little changes to the proposed protocol. Some also argued that the definition of a single unicode emoji depends on the version of Unicode. This is true and cannot be resolved without specifying the version of Unicode to be used which seems unnecessary for an early Experimental XEP. 3. The ProtoXEP doesn't use a generic way to reference the message that is reacted on. However it was agreed that no proper way to do so generically existed until then. As a follow-up, the Fastening XEP-0422 was proposed, with the intention to do some generic referencing thing. On this list, this XEP received some critique [3] from me and others that were not addressed yet and make it unclear to me how to correctly implement Reactions on top of it in various use-cases (updating reactions, encryption).

As of now, the reactions XEP remains in the inbox, which means according to XEP-0001, it is perceived to be not suited for experimental proof of concept implementations. Given that (to my knowledge) there are already two proof of concept implementations (Dino, Poezio) and one live/stable implementation (Movim) this status hardly describes the reality.

I'd like the council to re-evaluate granting Experimental status to the proposed XEP. As per XEP-0001, "the granting of Experimental status must not be construed as indicating any level of approval by the XSF, the XMPP Council, or the XMPP developer community". If any of the council members prefers to refuse granting experimental status at this point, please give clear guidance on how to further process bringing this feature to XMPP in form of a XEP that can be implemented in practice.


[1] https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/reactions.html
[2] https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2019-July/036271.html
[3] https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2019-September/036418.html
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