Hi All,

[This is going to standards@ as well as summit@ - please respond on summit@,
it's only on standards@ to remind people of the other list]

Since I'm running the Summit itself this year, some notes on what to expect:

I'm assuming we'll arrive and be ready to start by 10:00.

* At the start, you'll get some giant post-it notes, in a traditional
yellow and a fetching green.
* You'll also get 5 (probably) dots in two different colours.
* There will be marker pens, too.

Many of you will guess at what is to come.

We'll start with introducing ourselves, as is traditional.

You'll then be asked to write ideas for the agenda - these could be some of
the ones from the Wiki, or something you've thought of on the spot. You
also be able to write down a lightning talk (slides optional, ideally 5
minutes, hard limit at 10 *including questions*).

Once we've written down some ideas, we'll stick them on a wall (or window,
or something). Ones that are duplicates (or very close to), we'll stick on
top of each other. Lightning talks are never deduplicated, of course.
People can give a two-sentence intro of each item if they want as they
stick them up.

I'd expect this to be around 10:45 by the time we finish this phase - then,
we'll break for coffee for 15 minutes.

During the coffee break, you'll use your dots to vote for the agenda items
and lightning talks you're most interested in. You can put all your dots on
one item, or one on each, but you have to use all your dots (one colour for
agenda, one for talks).

I find myself often not voting for things I've suggested at these types of
meeting, since other people's suggestions are often better.

After coffee, at 11:00 we'll get started (roughly) in order of number of
dots, though I might use my discretion to move things in order not to being
a massive topic at 16:57 on Thursday, for example...

We'll use lightning talks as a way to "cleanse the palate", as it were,
between big topics.

We will almost certainly not get through all of either, sorry.

My aim for the Summit is to find consensus on technical issues, and achieve
concrete actions to move issues closer to standardisation, implementation
and deployment - so topics will ideally change when we've got those
actions, and may change when I think we are not likely to.

Hopefully, though, it'll be interesting, fun, and we'll get some work done
we can be proud of.

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