H all,

Unfortunately I can't make tomorrow's meeting due to an appointment I'd
completely forgotten about.

I may not make the week after (though I think I've timed things to allow

Included here are votes which I'm not sure I can do yet.

On Tue, 3 Mar 2020 at 17:51, Jonas Schäfer <jo...@wielicki.name> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> The next XMPP Council Meeting will take place on 2020-03-04 at 16:00Z in
> xmpp:coun...@muc.xmpp.org?join. Everyone is welcome to join and give
> comments.
> This agenda is composed from:
> - Editor notifications to standards@
> - xsf/xeps GitHub PRs marked as Needs Council
> - Suggestions directly sent to me (see below)
> Agenda as follows:
> 1) Roll Call
> 2) Agenda Bashing
> * Feel free to pre-bash on-list or directly to me if you think something
> is
> missing.
> 3) Editor’s Update
> - ProtoXEP: Reminders
> - Expired calls: LC on XEP-0402
> - Calls in progress:
>   - CFE: XEP-0066 (Out of Band Data), ends: 2020-03-10
>   - CFE: XEP-0184 (Message Delivery Receipts), ends: 2020-03-17
(Thank you very much for this bit - very useful)

> 4) Items for voting
> 4a) Proposed XMPP Extension: Reminders
> URL: https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/reminders.html
> Abstract:
> This specification provides a way to set up reminders.
I think this is probably better done as ad-hoc, and a future-delivery
concept that Marvin suggests might also be a better approach, but if this
were widely deployed as-is it wouldn't do any harm to the network, so
I'm +1 for adopting it. If it transforms utterly on the way through
Experimental that'll be entertaining.

> 4b) Decide on advancement of XEP-0402
> Title: PEP Native Bookmarks
> URL: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0402.html
> Abstract:
> This specification defines a syntax and storage profile for keeping a list
> of
> chatroom bookmarks on the server.
> (The last call ends today, so be sure to send in your feedback if you
> haven’t
> already.)
I think this is unlikely to see further changes requiring a namespace bump,
and should be taken into close change control by the Council, so +1 for

> 4c) PR#898
> Title: XEP-0060: Specify that empty <item/> are invalid on publish
> URL: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/898
If a node is configured not to persist items, and to notify without the
payload, does this mean we now have to supply a mandatory payload that is
only ever seen by the publisher and the service? Tentative -1, though I
could be persuaded into a -0.

> 5) Outstanding Votes
> - There are a few, check the Spreadsheet of Doom and vote on-list as
> needed.
> 6) Date of Next
> 7) AOB
> 8) Close
> End of Agenda.
> Note that I am aiming for 30 minutes, but meetings may be extended as
> necessary if all council members agree.
> Meetings are normally held every Wednesday at 1600 UTC in the
> xmpp:coun...@muc.xmpp.org?join chatroom.
> Meetings are open, and anyone (XSF Member or not) may attend, though only
> Council members may vote. Relevant comments from the floor are welcomed.
> Using your web browser, you can join anonymously via
> https://xmpp.org/chat?council
> Note that conversations in the room are logged publicly at
> https://logs.xmpp.org/council/
> If you have suggestions for an agenda item, you can message me via XMPP
> or
> email at this address or at jo...@zombofant.net.
> I aim to publish the Agenda on the day before the Council meeting before
> 20:00Z.
> Thanks everyone,
> Jonas
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